Friday, November 21, 2008

From the Preacher’s Desk: The Wrong Side of the Road

As I was driving home from Dasher last night on 41, you would never believe what happened: I met a car. What, you will ask, is so amazing about that? Well, this particular car happened to be travelling southbound in my northbound lanes. Evidently, the driver thought he was either in the correct lane or thought he was on a two-lane road, but he was not. For me, no harm was done. I called the sheriff's department and alerted them and I drove on. I assume that all turned out well, not having heard word to the contrary, but it could have been tragic! A horrible accident could have occurred, and it would all have been an avoidable, wholly senseless calamity.

I do not know if the driver was alone or had passengers with him. If the driver were alone, if he were inattentive enough to have turned into the wrong lane to begin with, the chances of figuring it out on his own were pretty slim. If he had passengers, the truth is that many times those who are "along for the ride" are quicker to pick up on mistakes like that than is the driver. (I am NOT trying to encourage "back-seat drivers" here.)

But let's assume he had someone with him. Imagine this conversation taking place inside that car. "Honey, I think you're on the wrong side of the road." "No I'm not. This is the side of the road I always drive on." "But Honey, all of the signs are facing the other way." "What signs? I don't see any signs." Final plea. "But Honey, the yellow line is over here on the right instead of on the left where it should be." "Yellow line? What yellow line? Oh, that one. Well, I never could remember what the white lines and yellow lines meant anyway." It could have been the classic "leave me alone; I know what I am doing" syndrome.

Jesus warns us about getting on the wrong road to salvation. In Matthew 7:13-14 he said:"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." What we must come to realize is that yes, it could happen to us; yes, the result would be calamitous; and yes, it can be avoided!

Have you ever talked to someone who was on wrong path of life? Were you met with the "leave me alone; I know what I am doing" syndrome? The truth is that there are warning signs designed to help us to know if we are travelling on the right road or not. As we open up the word of God, it is literally full of admonitions to caution. To those who "pick up on them," it seems so obvious which way one should be travelling.

But what if you are the one in the wrong? Do you have someone who loves you who will help you to see the signs? Will you bull headedly say, "Leave me alone; I know what I am doing"? Slow down and take a look around. Notice the path you are travelling. Examine your life in the light of the Word of God. Heed the warnings. You do not have to meet the calamitous end of eternal damnation.

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