Friday, November 7, 2008

Democracy Doesn’t Work

It should come as no surprise that everything about this Sunday will probably be seasoned with a decidedly political flavor. Many are celebrating that America elected her first black President; others are lamenting the electing of the most liberal President in American history.

But there was more to the elections last Tuesday than that. Much more.

Three states had on their ballots proposed Constitutional Amendments which would define marriage as between only male and female (Georgia has already been there). In all three, California, Arizona, and Florida, the measures passed. Democracy proclaimed that the majority of people wanted marriage definitively established as a union between man and woman only. By following their respective laws, by the voice of the people, this measure has now become law in these states.

But here is where democracy failed (bear with me, please). In California, protesters came out, and in some cases, these protestations turned violent. In Los Angeles, people were banging on the doors and walls of the CNN bureau station*.

Does this not sound eerily similar to Genesis 19:9, where the Sodomites threatened to break down the door of Lot's house? They had been told "no," but they didn't care. They were denied what they sinfully desired, so they, burning in their lust, were planning to take it one way or the other.

First, please note that democracy is not God's way. If you recall from the Old Testament, God's preferred method of governing was a theocracy (cf. 1 Samuel 8:7). That, of course, yielded way to a monarchy, and we all know how that turned out. But in the New Testament, there is no prescribed method of civil government. God does not advocate one form of civil government over any other. Instead, God has merely said, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers" (Romans 13:1).

Second, please note that the devil doesn't care about democracy. For over two centuries, Americans have touted democracy as the most humane and effective way to govern a nation (and rightly so). This democracy came into place in large part by the influence of the Magna Carta, but it was also heavily based (and laced) with godly principles. And it is now failing its intended cause (from a godly viewpoint). Satan has patiently waited in the background for the opportunity to turn the most civil form of government ever known to humanity into his own pernicious tool, but his patience is wearing thin. The ungodly surges we have experienced over the past few decades are only going to increase in frequency and magnitude.

Third, please note that democracy will fail to legislate morality. The idea that morality cannot be legislated is ridiculous on its very face. Our own Bill of Rights was designed to provide freedom for the majority by the legislative restraint of the few who would take those freedoms away. Rights had to have been defined in order to establish those restraints. But Satan has been allowed to influence and modify the characterization of those rights. By the very definition of the democratic theory, those rights are and have been subject to modification. The end result is that those civil and moral rights can be removed.

So where does that leave the faithful child of God? Right back at Romans 13:1. Give tribute to whom tribute is due, honor to whom honor, never thinking for a moment that God's will will ever be changed by or subject to democracy.



(This is an article written to appear in our church bulletin on 081109.)

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