If you could build a god….
If you could build a god, when would you build it? Would you wait until you were in
trouble? Would it be done in a panic?
If you could build a god, what would you have your god
feel? Would it be insensitive or would
you rather it be caring? Would you build
a god that listened to you anytime, anywhere?
If you could build a god, what would you have your god do? Would you have a god of randomness or
purpose? Would you have a god of action
or of inaction?
If you could build a god, what would you call it? Would you choose a name that inspires
terror? Would you call it by what it was
capable of doing?
If you could build a god, where would you keep it? Would you keep it close to you or out of
sight? Would you lock it away somewhere
safe? Would you make it accessible to
others or keep it to yourself?
If you could build a god, would you build the one you
already have?
Jehovah God doesn’t have to be created. As a matter of fact, He is eternal in His
nature. He is the God of creation
(Genesis 1:1), the God of the fathers (Exodus 3:6), and the God of all flesh
(Acts 17:25). There has never been a
time when He did not exist, nor will His existence ever cease. Abraham at Beersheba “called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God” (Genesis
21:33). Moses wrote, “Before the mountains were brought forth, or
ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to
everlasting, thou art God” (Psalm 90:2).
Who needs to create a God when One already exists?
One of the traits that people look for most in others is
listening. People like people who will
hear them when they speak. That same
characteristic is one of Jehovah God’s greatest attributes. “For
the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their
prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter
3:12). Jehovah God is already listening
and already cares (1 Peter 5:7)!
Too often we find ourselves reacting to situations. All too frequently we are looking for
solutions to problems that crop up from day to day. Let’s face it: it is difficult to address
problems that we don’t even know exist. How
many times through history has God been on top of things while man was still
trying to figure out what had gone wrong?
For example, God heard the cries of the Israelites in Egypt and sent Moses
as a deliver. The biggest problem of all
however is sin, and God has been working on that from the beginning (Genesis
3:15). Isaiah prophesied of the
deliverance that God would provide (Isaiah 9:1-2). The whole scheme of redemption was a result
of God’s action when man was still trying to figure out what the problem was
(Romans 5:8). How much more proactive
could God be than to send His only begotten Son to die for us?
As you look at the Bible you come will come to realize that
the names of God within the Scriptures are actually a collection of His
attributes. One of those names, however,
stands out more than any other. “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the
LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God” (Exodus 34:14). At this point we begin to realize that we did
not name God: He did. Because of that,
His name is to be honored and revered (Psalm 111:9). In the Ten Commandments God said, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy
God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in
vain” (Exodus 20:7). Jehovah God
already has a name and He cherishes it dearly.
It is not a name to be taken or used lightly.
You don’t have to worry about where to keep Jehovah
God. “Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? Can any
hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not
I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD” (Jeremiah 23:23-24). This characteristic of God is often called “omnipresence,”
describing His ability to be not just anywhere at any time, but everywhere all
the time. We don’t have to worry about
losing Jehovah God or having Him stolen away.
On the contrary our greatest concern should be going away from Him. “Take
heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in
departing from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12).
If you could build a god, would you build the one you
already have? Jehovah God cannot be
replaced or surpassed. He can, however,
be ignored, misused, and blasphemed. You
will never be able to make a god whose love is greater, whose forgiveness is
wider, or whose care is as deep. Don’t
try to improve on perfection! Keep the
God you have!
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