Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Road Tripping with the Chorus

To make a short story long, the church at Stuart, FL has supported Georgia Christian School for many years.  Several months ago, Deland decided the chorus needed to go down there and tell them thanks.  A date was set; a date was changed; but finally, the date arrived.  On Saturday morning, 22 members of the chorus, Deland, Bonnie, and Jim set off in the bus, with Stacy, Emma Jean, and me following (we were transporting the risers).  It was a beautiful day and a beautiful drive, and we arrived in Stuart about 5:00 that afternoon.  The reason that I had been tagged to go along was because I had gone to Stuart and spoken last summer for their Vacation Bible School, and the preacher there, Terry Frizzell, is one of my lifelong friends.  The chorus did a wonderful job, but more importantly, they represented the school very well.  Afterwards, we had a time of fellowship (meaning food) and fun.  I am sure that the first impression of Randall Hunter, the youth minister there ("this guy is a complete idiot" -- ha ha) was changed in retrospect ("this guy is brilliant"), for he did a magnificent job of bringing the many cultures present together, both young and old alike.  Yes, his games were corny, but everyone not only participated, they all had a good time.

When I was in Stuart last summer, I came home and told everyone who would listen that if you want to see a church which knows the meaning of the word "hospitality," Stuart is the place to go.  They did not let me down.

On Sunday morning, Deland spoke about Georgia Christian during the Bible class hour.  A lot of Deland's passion for the school comes from literally generations of association.  I am afraid that many take the school for granted, and it is even possible that sometimes the word "Christian" in its name is added as an afterthought as people get wrapped up in the daily grind.  But Deland's presentation served as a vivid reminder that while "school" can be found almost anywhere, "Christian" is a rare commodity, indeed.

As plans were being made for the trip, we kept looking at the map and looking at the clock, and we realized that the possibility of making it back to Dasher in time for worship services was going to be marginal at best.  So, we called upon our friends at the Lake City Church of Christ.  They were not only agreeable to us stopping there for worship, they presented the opportunity for the chorus to sing there, as well.  Again, the chorus members did an excellent job of representing the school.  We thank Lake City for their hospitality and for the wonderful meal they threw together for us, as well.  (I say "threw together" because the congregation was not aware of our coming until Sunday morning.)

It was a special weekend for me, because I had the opportunity to spend time with two of my dearest friends, Terry Frizzell and Ryan Tuten, who preaches at Lake City.  But really, that almost became a side note to the weekend, for I spent considerably more time renewing the acquaintances of Christian friends I have made over the years within those two cities.  I was reminded of the deep bond that is shared in the blood of Christ, and I believe we all need such a reminder from time to time.

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God" (1 John 4:7).

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