To most of the believers of either of these symbols, the idea of the other even being a feasible alternative is simply ludicrous. The advocates of Evolution and Creationism alike are often firm in their convictions. To many, there is simply no room for compromise.
In recent years, however, compromise is exactly what has been sought. The idea that perhaps God was the "prime mover" of all existence has prompted some to attempt to squeeze millions of years into the opening chapters of the book of Genesis. On its surface, this sounds appealing. The Creationists get to keep their God, and the Evolutionists are satisfied with their theory of who, why, and what we are. Everyone walks away happy. In a grand spirit of unity, the question is asked: Does it really matter?
But the discerning mind will quickly conclude that this cannot be. The true Evolutionist realizes that their theory leaves little or no room for God, just as the true Creationist realizes that the biblical account leaves little or no room for macroevolution. At some point, these walls of compromise will come tumbling down. When that begins to happen, the Creationist must begin to ask, "Why does it matter?"
- It matters because our children, from the classroom to the television, are constantly being bombarded with evolutionist propaganda.
- It matters because if the foundations of the Bible are allowed to be eroded, the remainder of biblical content will also become subject to compromise.
- It matters because the terminology of Genesis 1-2 does not leave the necessary time for macroevolution to have occurred.
- It matters because the words "evening" and "morning" are used with the Hebrew word yom ("day") over 100 times in non-prophetical literature, always referring to a 24-hour day.
- It matters because evolution cannot answer the origins of morality, altruism, sex, gender, language, consciousness, or for that matter, laughter.
- It matters because evolution causes young and old to devalue human life.
- It matters because the theme of the Bible from beginning to end is the redemption of man. If God did not create as He said (Genesis 1-2), what meaning is the promise of a Savior (Genesis 3:14-15)?
Does it matter to you?
For more information, contact us at airportcoc@bellsouth.net, or visit us at Airport Church of Christ, 2267 Copeland Road.
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